Of Death

  • Lilith
    • Los Angeles, California
    • Overdosed on OxyContin (accidental)
    • Copper red hair
  • Daria
    • Santa Fe, New Mexico
    • Died from erotic asphyxiation
    • Dark brunette hair
  • Amanda
    • Jacksonville, Florida
    • Suicide by hanging
    • Purple hair - the color of bruises (of course)
  • Marla
    • Phoenix, Arizona
    • Suicide by the use of a razor to her wrists
    • Frizzy, dirty blonde hair
  • Demi
    • Juneau, Alaska
    • Drove into a ditch during a snowstorm (questionable if forced death or accidental due to slippery roads)
    • White hair
  • Catherine
    • Montgomery, Alabama
    • Starved to death
    • Sky blue hair
  • Jack
    • Columbus, Ohio
    • Suicide through drinking bleach (heavily disfigured caused massive bleeding that led to her death)
    • Black hair
  • Sabine
    • Denver, Colorado
    • Suicide through the use of a handgun
    • Dark rot-green hair - curly like vines
  • Samantha
    • Houston, Texas
    • Passenger that disappeared during a train wreck
    • Dark blue hair - like the ocean at night
  • Pleasance
    • Madison, Wisconsin
    • Homicide - culprit used a cheese grate on her hands and wrists (death due to blood loss)
    • Long, wheat colored hair
  • Lily
    • Killington, Vermont
    • Death by falling down a slope - impaled on a skiing flagpole
    • Lily pad green hair
  • Eva
    • Shreveport, Louisiana
    • Disappeared - police went to question her on a possibly related homicide case (baker crushed to death in pastry machine) where Eva was noted to be the last to witness the deceased. Police discovered the possible suspect having gone missing.
    • Bubblegum pink hair
There's a pile of identities I've gone through since Friday, these are the few I will list that have the most relevance. First name basis because if I'm right, which by now I should be considering how proficient I've become at researching, this should be enough of a giveaway to the person I'm looking for.

I'll give credit where it's due, this is a very good system with a pattern so simple it was nearly overlooked. Fortunately sentimentality has always run deep with you - for me too, I suppose. Emotions have a way of coming to life, so much so you must build a cage to keep yourself in check; especially as the situation becomes more dire. How dire is yours? That's the question I've been asking myself the longer I spend looking for you. We both know how these things work, it's all about using a method until it doesn't work anymore.

As comical as this list is it's also concerning. Why did you need to go through so many identities? There are far more than what is here that you have burned through. I want to say I'm clever enough to see your message but the truth of the matter is I can't be sure this is not a trap. Everything points in the right direction but when has there even been a correct way to go in all of this? If this is you, by any fraction, I know you'll come forward.

That's the funny thing about death, it brings people together. Sometimes it's for a moment of mourning, sometimes it's for a lifetime. I like to believe we're the latter despite these last few years of operating in the ways we believe to be best. I hope that's not too presumptuous of me? We'll see.

There's a lot for us to catch up on. What have you been doing? What have I been doing? We'll have to swap stories and compare notes. So many truths have been discovered, you know? There are so many shades of death and what can possibly come after. I always knew between black and white there was a long streak of gray but, my possible friend, I never expected there to be so much.
I'll tell you someday soon or someday far; status pending and all that.

If this isn't you. If this is just some elaborate trick...
This list is pretty good! A good reminder that death comes in various forms. Sometimes it's an accident, other times it's self-inflicted. This time? It'll be in the shape of the writer behind these words.

Here's to reconnecting... or ending that which dares to pretend.


  1. https://depressingfamiliarity.tumblr.com/

    Scroll all the way through. You should find all the proof you need.

    1. I am glad you are alright and as lively as ever. I couldn't be sure regardless of how obvious the hints were to me.

      Real classy executions you got going on here. Skiing? A cheese grater? Didn't realize you leveled up until I saw the condition of that poor baker.

    2. Hahahaha. Tell the truth, did you recognize me by my face or by my tits? ;D

      Skiing.. dude, I literally was trying to go on vacation for the first time in years, tripped, fell, and landed on one of my poles. Impaled a lung. Couldn't get away from the scene fast enough to avoid paramedics and media laughing at me, I had to relocate after that.

      The cheese grater was courtesy of a proxy kidnapping while I was out gathering objects from a crime scene. They thought it would be cute to 'play.' I don't think they even knew who I was, which was even more annoying. I've still got an axe to grind with that fucker.

    3. Hey, look, that baker recognized me from Houston. Who's ever heard of a Runner baker?? He thought I caused that wreck. I had to do SOMETHING. I.. may have.. panicked. A tad.

    4. I've seen your tits enough to recognize them anywhere, Dia.

      Are you for real? Out of all the vacations to take you picked skiing in Vermont. First of all, who even does that? Secondly, good job picking a vacation that gives everything after you an easy in.
      But once again you manage to be unpredictable and did the damage to yourself instead of another doing it to you. Best you disappointed a lot of enemies there.

      As for the cheese grater... if you have a description or information on them shoot an email my way, I can put out feelers if you haven't had the time yet. Seems like you're officially the new babysitter in town.

      If panicking for you equals murder I don't want to see what you're like pissed these days. I'm glad you're alright. That was a strange thing to come across during my tracking process. Before I even begin to think about the long list of deaths and disappearances, I have to bring up the bleach. It's not the strangest one out there, clearly, but after reading that report... seriously what the fuck?

    5. I like the snow, so sue me.
      I wanted to try a real vacation after that Disney World fiasco, damn it.
      I would probably actually die of mortification if a picture of me with that skiing pole sticking out of my chest ever leaked to the proxies. Last thing I need to do is become a meme.

      I will. And I swear to god, I am, even when I'm not at home. It's ridiculous.

      It was an extenuating situation, okay? And he deserved it. He made fun of my hair.

    6. DUDE, I called you for that one, remember? You don't remember a 'Jack' with a suspiciously feminine voice calling you and talking to you for FOUR HOURS, sobbing uncontrollably with an open bleach bottle and reading you the damned suicide note I had written?

    7. Consider yourself sued.
      Are we still speaking about the Disney World ordeal? I thought we were all past that by this point. I won't object to a vacation after that, though. In all honesty we deserve one after it.
      I think at this point we're all a little bit of a meme - it doesn't matter what side you're on either. Too many years have passed with too much being witnessed, the memes are everywhere.
      I mean you just said the guy you killed deserved it over having a difference of opinion on your hair color. Think my point has been made.

      Alright, onto the bleach bullshit. Look, I was pretty fucked up around then. It is all definitely inching its way back to me, though. I mean, that suicide note was pretty specific and you don't disguise your voice very well to begin with.
      Anyways, my bad. Glad I wasn't a total waste of help back then, shit. That's a little too close of a call, eh?

    8. I love the snow. And Disney World was such a colossal fuck up of mune, I still occasionally hear rumors about that shit. Ughs.

      He insulted me, then tried to kill me. I call that self defense, dunno bout you.

      I blocked out whatever the hell that note said. Couldn't remember if I tried.

      How's a chick supposed to disguise her voice while sobbing? I call shenanigans. I bet there are other times I've called or texted you, and you never realized it was me. I bet.. Oh, you owing Gallows a hug on it. If I'm wrong, I'll.. clean polish and organize your weapons collection. The extended one.

      Considering the lid to the bleach was off, the note was written, and I had deliberately cleared out Sanctuary that night? I'd say I shaved it a bit too close.

    9. Of course, it's not as though we can escape them.
      Let's put into the suggestion box a valid vacation, yes?

      Well when you go into those details... The reports I read were hastily written and the individual must have been quite confused and traumatized by witnessing such brutality in a bakery shop.

      Good job. I'll make sure to never repeat its contents.
      Why am I not surprised you're fucking about with Gallows. Is that the reason why there are higher disappearance rates in certain areas that surround your identities? Serial killer on the loose is a good alibi to get gone.
      Look, a good handful I can recant as being you. I'm sure I've slipped through some. I'll call it a draw so long as you keep your serial killer's slutty hands away from me and solely on yourself. Or you'll be cleaning my weapons collection while it's still freshly coated.

      Yeah. I'm going to go ahead and chalk it up as a victory. Let's take what we can get, alright?

    10. Where the hell do you suggest, Paris? London? New York?

      Well, I suppose it would be more far to call it a cafe. The guy I killed was such a smug bastard, too.

      Good. I might get cranky if you did.

      Gallows has been my favorite source of dick for.. 5? 6? 7?? years. It's hard to keep track. Especially when he does this thing with his tongue..

      Um.. Sure. Yeah. Gallows. He tends to get bored.

      Ooooh, I knew there was a detail we'd been for getting to clean up. Yes, thank you. Deal. I will firmly place that fucked up bastard's hands alllll over me.

      Hmm. Do you remember Sacramento, roughly 2014? The house fire? Someone called you from the scene as a first of kin for someone that wasn't there? Yeah, that was me. I knocked out one of the firemen in the back alley behind the house and stole his rig. I was also the fireman that greeted you when you showed up, and told you there were no bodies to recover. There weren't, because i got everyone out with the help of that rig.

      Shame on you for not paying attention.

  2. Death by Patisserie. A classic.

    1. You know, in retrospect, it kinda reminds me of Lu- I mean, Starscream. I'm a teensy bit proud of that one, as much as it sucked at the time.

    2. Death by _____ is becoming your new meme, Dia.

    3. ...

      "Death by lasers."

      Not kidding.

      At least that one was faked.

  3. Weird. I though you were referring to a different cage. There really are far too many shades.

  4. Do I know you?
    I feel like we may have a problem.

  5. Looking back, I do see the irony of some of those identities. Whoops.

  6. Might as well admit it now. Your Dia, the original, became the Convocation the moment she found Ladybug's body. The original writer of Be Wary, from the happiest timeline, is for all tenses and purposes dead.

    The Convocation, myself (Jack) from the darkest timeline, Eva, and Sam are the only ones of the twenty timelines still alive.

    I'm sorry you've lost your friend. I don't know which Shady you are. But you have always been our friend, our White Queen to our Red. No matter which timeline I have ever walked. You have been a constant. Hopefully you can be my Shady too.


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