It Looks Like People

People think there's a system to how this all works. There isn't. A lot of frantic guesswork that never follows the same fucking pattern. So you find outside means and, at times, more dangerous methods to either speed up the process or get the answers you need in general. Sometimes it's pulling out a ouija board, other times it's contacting sources you really don't want to tango with. Either way the job gets done and we move on to the next bit. That is the cycle of my life and this wannabe detective work that I am always drowning in.

I'd apologize for the inconsistencies in these posts but I would end up apologizing a hell of a lot more in the future, too. Frankly, I'm kind of sick of apologizing so much. I never know what these posts are meant to consist of half the time, it's just whatever comes out. I guess that's really the true purpose of a blog though, right? Sometimes it's uplifting, other times it's not. Too close to home, too distant and ignorant. A grand storytelling one day could be a break down another. Once again there's too much to contemplate.

In my time existing I have dealt with serial killers, mass murderers, ghosts and beings that title themselves anywhere from lesser gods to full fledged (usually out of ego). There are those that title themselves something more fancy and others that simply exist with the names they have always known to possess. There are many things I don't yet know but I like to think I'm making progress in this ever expanding universe. Who is to say what else exists far beyond this realm, beyond the veil of death and whatever else awaits.

For now I have to settle on the answers mortal flesh can perceive. Things that look like people because their own shapes have been lost, or that they consider it preferable as a means to an end. I have done a lot of things in my time that are considered bad but I think I'm finally on the right path again. We'll leave those confessions for another time.

I'm back at it, tracking away for this upcoming purge that is apparently taking place in... well, that IS taking place. I know who specifically to look upon in these times. There's always someone looking to break the rules, or at least bend them to the point of breaking. He'll be in a church and he'll be silent, listening to the pained cries of those he has prepared to see executed. It's the perfect moment to appear as though he's following the rules while simultaneously forcing others to break them, only to watch the consequences hit those he has damned like a hammer of justice.

I have seen it enough to know that things are going to go badly. I've interfered before and I'll do it again. This won't be any different from any other time. I'll get in, I'll get out and lives won't be lost unnecessarily. He'll rage softly, like he does and I'll thrive on knowing how I broke his routine. Fucker doesn't think I know what hurts him. These games of life and death... he's just like that white void of a monstrosity.
You remember me saying there are things that will sometimes wear the faces of people, may even have been one once? That's this gem. He thrives off the ruination of others, gets a kick like any priest gets a high off of giving their sermons to the ignorant sheep. I've shot him, stabbed him and have done many things to throw him into death's cold embrace but he rises time and time again by his master. A useful mutt as disobedient as he can be, I guess. Unfortunately for him I'm no longer hiding behind barriers and hoping for the best. My gun is loaded at all times and my muscle memory is spot on - I remember how high I gotta go to reach that ugly mug.

Too much time has been spent dealing with dreamwalkers, their pets, other entities, hungry beings made of teeth and possibly rekindling old sparks has now been added to the table. All of which, you guessed it, look like fucking people. I feel like I'm losing my mind.
It doesn't help that the more I look at all of you the more you all look back at me. My time spent lurking from blog to blog is just about up, I guess.

Anyways, I'll update from the road.


  1. Do you see me as one of those monsters?

  2. No. You're far from it despite what you may think. You're wounded and fending for your life. There's a difference.


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